A Reno Gem and Mineral Society Class Offering

Special Note: Two months of beginning lapidary class along with instructor approval required before students may use the shop on open house nights.
What You Will Learn: First-time students are introduced to the world of lapidary by starting with the basics of shop safety and how to use our equipment. From there you will learn the fundamentals of (using):
- a trim saw to make a rough cut
- coarse grit diamond grinding wheels to shape
- (attaching) a dop stick for more control in the later stages
- successively finer and finer grit silicon carbide drum belts to sand, and finally
- a felt wheel with cerium oxide powder to polish your stone until it reaches a brilliant shine.
When you are finished, your cabochon will be ready for whatever you wish to create!
Class Materials, Tools, and Supplies: Material for your first two projects is provided, as well as all shop supplies and equipment necessary for cutting and polishing.
Costs include a per person per month charge.
Schedule: Please check our Calendar for class schedule.
***Important Safety Info Required to Operate Lapidary Equipment!!!***
- Long hair must be tied back