The Reno Gem and Mineral Society is governed by and functions with the help of volunteer members. Our team of officers, board members and support personnel are all volunteers.

Member volunteers allow RGMS to provide the education and instruction from which we all benefit. If you are willing to volunteer your services, we would love for you to join our team! Operation of RGMS requires a full range of skills and abilities. A description of “permanent” current positions is listed below. Many members assist on an “ad hoc” basis as well. Our Volunteer Director coordinates all volunteer activities and recruitment.

Elected Officers - Administration

President  - presides over all meetings, appoints committee chairs, appoints temporary officers in case of absence or vacancy and is an ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.

Vice-president - assumes duties of office of the president in his/her absence and is the program chairperson.

Secretary -  keeps an accurate record of all meetings, prepares election ballots, prepares and mails all correspondence, maintains a file of all society records, reissues new by-laws and/or standing rules when revised. 
-   Assistant Secretary fills in when Secretary is absent.

Treasurer - receives and deposits all funds for the society, issues payment for expenses, maintains the society's liability and property insurance needs, and files all required documents for non-profit corporation status.
-   Assistant Treasurer - fills in when Treasurer is absent and assists as needed with reports and taxes.

Non-Elected Officers - Administration

Board at Large directors – vote on policy and conduct of the Society.

Membership Director – Assists new members with applications and information packets, collects dues, maintains an up-to-date roster, and introduces new members at meetings.

Past President - attends business meetings and assists with routine Society functions.
Presides at meetings when both president and vice-president are absent.

Volunteer Director – coordinates volunteer activities, recruits members and reports volunteer progress to the board of directors.


School Director - coordinates instructors for classes, communicates with students, collects fees, and evaluates interest for potential classes.

School Instructor – Instructors teach Lapidary, Casting, Mineral ID and others.

Shop Director – oversees our shop equipment.

Field Trip Director - maintains a record of collection sites and arranges or leads field trips.
-   Assistant Field Trip Director helps with field trips and selecting locations.

Education Outreach – coordinates earth science presentations for schools, libraries and events on as part of the STEM program. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).

Pebble Pups Junior Program Advisor - guides junior activities and reports to the board of directors.

Fund Raising

Show Chair - manages our annual Jackpot of Gems Show, coordinates dealers, organizes venue, and carries out advertising duties.

-   Assistant Show Chair - helps as needed with production of show.
Silent Auction Director – collects donations for silent auctions and manages auction team at the Jackpot of Gems Show.

Craft Fair Director – oversees production of craft fair, secures venue, coordinates vendors, and performs advertising duties.

Used Equipment Sales – coordinates our annual sale of used equipment and tools.

General Meeting (1st Wed of every month, Baldini’s, 2nd floor, 7 pm)

Greeter - welcomes and directs guests at each meeting, and answers any questions.

Door Prize Manager – arranges door prizes and distributes raffle tickets.

General Meeting Table Sales – sells at cost pins, patches, vests for Society members

Social Meetings

Social Director – coordinates social events (Pot Lucks, Summer Picnic, Christmas Party).

RGMS Operations

Bulletin Editor - creates and distributes the Society’s monthly publication, The Conglomerate.

Webmaster - Maintains the Society website and updates content as needed. Coordinates with Bulletin Editor.

Social Media Director – manages and updates our social media accounts and coordinates email blasts to Society members.

Sunshine Director - sends notes to those who are ill and sympathy cards to family.

Public Relations Director - coordinates advertising and media for the Society.

Photographer – provides photography services for events and activities.

Librarian - maintains a lending library.
-   Assistant Librarian – helps with library functions.

Historian - assembles and maintains a file of bulletins and documents annual events.

Security Director - Provides security for society assets.

Rock Building

LLC Manager – manages and reports all LLC activities to our Board of Directors.

Facility Director – Maintains our headquarters building and coordinates vendors for issues that require a licensed contractor.

Outside Organization Liaison

Federation Director - liaison between the society and California Federation of Mineralogical Societies (CFMS) and American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS) - attends federation meetings, maintains a file of pertinent information and reports back to the Society.

ALAA Representative – attends meetings and reports on developments related to access of public lands.