Wax Modeling / Casting
A Reno Gem and Mineral Society Class Offering

What You Will Learn: Students will learn how to make original wax models for lost
wax casting using a buildup technique. Pieces will be cast so students will learn
the entire process of lost wax casting, but the emphasis will be on wax modeling,
not casting. I will not attempt to teach casting clean-up, polishing, or final stone
setting during class. Those techniques are taught in silversmithing classes by
others. Class size will be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 students.
The instructor will first demonstrate how to manipulate the wax while students
observe and ask questions. Students will then complete a practice project which
will likely take several hours. This project will include the basic techniques and
provide experience in working with the wax and tools. After the practice project,
students create whatever they want and the instructor will move around and
assist as necessary. Students should arrive with ideas for their projects and bring
whatever stones they want to use. The class will cover making mountings for
both cabochons and faceted stones. Simple methods of adding small accent
stones will be shown as well. During the remainder of the four class days students
typically make two or three original designs. However, some students completed
as many as 9 pieces. Drawings for several simple filagree designs will be
provided for students that don’t know what they want to make.
Students should plan on making jewelry size pieces (about 1.5” by 2”) not
sculptures. The instructor’s equipment is not sized for large pieces. Students will
be allowed to cast their own pieces if they wish. Some pieces can easily take as
long as 5 hours to make. Most students decide to have me cast such pieces
rather than risk failure when they cast for the first time. I can’t guarantee a
successful casting but have had very good success rates. The class will cover
some things that make casting failures likely so students can avoid them.
Class Materials, Tools, and Supplies: Instructor will provide the tools and sufficient
waxes needed for the class. The tools needed for wax modeling are very simple
and inexpensive to obtain for ongoing independent work. Students will have to
provide their own magnification if needed. A visor or 3.5 power reading glasses
are recommended.
The instructor will bring his casting equipment for use during the class at no cost.
(If students choose to purchase similar equipment for their own use it can be
fairly expensive. Casting services are available for a fee online. The instructor
intends to have casting sessions from time to time for those students that
continue on with independent wax work.)
Cost: RGMS charges for the area and some RGMS equipment we will use for the
class. Students should bring scrap silver or gold for the castings if they have it.
The instructor will have sterling silver that students can purchase if they don’t
have their own. The cost of the silver will be the current reogrande.com price for
sterling casting grain plus 10% to cover shipping. Brass is also available for
modest cost. Investment for the castings is provided by the instructor at his cost
which includes the riogrande.com material cost plus the RioGrande shipping
charge. (The silica based investment is considered a hazardous material and
has to be shipped by ground.). The cost of the Investment powder used for the
castings will generally run under $3 but will be higher if many pieces are cast or if
larger than normal castings are made. Methyl alcohol will be provided for use in
the alcohol lamps at the instructor’s cost. Alcohol typically runs about $3 per
person for the 4 days.
Schedule: To be determined. The class is usually taught on four 10 AM to 5 PM
weekend days with casting done during the evening of one of the Monday open
house periods. Dates depend on when at least 4 students can get together. The
instructor is flexible, class days don’t have to be on weekends, and times can vary
depending on students’ schedules. (The instructor has a 45 minute commute
both ways between Dayton and the RGMS building so doesn’t want to teach short
days.) Bring lunch or go out to eat if you wish. Short breaks will not have
significant impact on the class after the first several hours as students will work
at their own pace.
Instructor: Tim Steeper
***Important Safety Info!!!***
Students will work with a small alcohol flame, dental pic, exacto knife, and single edge razor blades. Please exercise caution.