General Class Information
All Classes Require Advance Registration.
An all-member email is sent on the last Tuesday evening of each month between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm announcing that classes for the next month are available for registration. If you wish to register, simply respond to the email ( with the class name and time you wish to take. I will respond with a "You are student # x. Class fee is $xx.xx." so that you know you have a reserved space. I will also include our Treasurer, Janet Longueira, in that response. The Treasurer will forward an invoice to you so you can pay for your class prior to the first session. All classes, unless otherwise noted, are a full month in length and new classes begin each month. Class sizes are limited and fill quickly.
We Offer a Wide Range of Jewelry Making Classes!!
Our well-qualified instructors, some with master’s level credentials, teach many of the disciplines necessary to create beautiful, handmade works of art, using minerals, gems and fossils found right here in Nevada! We have a full lapidary shop available for member use*, with newly upgraded equipment!

Below are recently offered CLASSES in alphabetical order including the name of the instructor that conducted the course. Check the CALENDAR for CLASSES that are or soon will be offered. Members can sign up and pay for classes at RGMS Monthly Meetings.
- Beading - Sue Webb
- Cold Connections
- Jewelry Making 101
- Lampwork Beads - Julia Tachihara
- Lapidary Beginning - Barbara Hartman/Julie Hilsabeck
- Lapidary (Intermediate) - Julie Hilsabeck
- Mineral ID - Webb Varnum
- Open House - Julie Hilsabeck
- Rock Tumbling - Albie and Janet Longueira
- Silver Fabrication (Beginning) - Spencer Ennis
- Silver Fabrication (Advanced) - Jill Atkins
- Wax Modeling / Casting - Tim Steeper