Wax Model Making for Casting
A Reno Gem and Mineral Society Class Offering

What You Will Learn:Students will learn how to make original wax models for lost wax casting using a
buildup technique. Pieces will be cast so students will learn the entire process of lost wax casting, but
the emphasis will be on wax modeling, not casting. We will not attempt to teach casting clean-up,
polishing, or actual stone setting. Those techniques are taught in silversmithing classes by others. The
first project will be a filigree type wax made with small wax wire. We will provide drawings for several
designs. (Students may design their own first piece as long as it is similar to the designs we provide.) This
project will introduce the basic techniques and provide practice in handling the wax. After the first
piece, students may make whatever they want and the instructors will assist as necessary. Students
should come with ideas for their subsequent projects and bring whatever stones they want to use. In
four 7-hour days, students typically take one day to make the first piece then make a couple of their
own designs during the remaining time. Class will be limited to eight students.
Class Materials, Tools, and Supplies:Instructors will loan the tools and provide sufficient waxes needed
for the class. Students will have to provide their own magnification if needed. A visor or 3.5 power
reading glasses are recommended.
Cost:RGMS charges for the area and RGMS equipment we will use for the class. Students should bring
scrap silver or gold for the castings if they have it. Silver casting grain can be provided at cost by
instructors. The cost of the Investment powder used for the castings will generally run about $5.
Schedule:TBA (Tentatively four 9 AM to 4 PM weekend days with casting done during the evening of
one of the Monday open house periods). Bring a lunch.
Instructors: Tim and Janet Steeper
***Important Safety Info!!!***
Students will work with a small alcohol flame, dental pic, exacto knife, and single edge razor blades. Please exercise caution.