Skill Level: Beginner
What You Will Learn: Tumbling is another way to finish rocks as opposed to Lapidary. This process takes rocks from the raw stage all the way to polished, all by machine. Students will learn how to use and maintain a tumbler, as well as the 4 steps of tumbling with tips on how to ensure your rocks polish to a beautiful finish.
Class Cost: The cost for the month of classes is $60 for one person or two who want to work together. It is limited to four machines for each series. Sign-up will be through email.
Class Materials, Tools, and Supplies: All materials including rocks to tumble, using a 3lb tumbling barrel, tools, and supplies will be provided for this class. The class runs for one month, once a week on Wednesdays.
Outcome: Students will learn how to use their home tumbler and will also leave class with approximately 3 pounds of polished rocks to keep.